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Smart Guardrail Integrated Management Platform
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The smart guardrail platform integrates system settings, asset management, alarm management, work dispatch management, data analysis, account management, and message consultation management to achieve a full-scale integrated guardrail management model, from local area management to unified centralized management, comprehensively improving the comprehensive management and maintenance capabilities of guardrail managers.

For frontline maintenance personnel

1. Real-time information on the guardrail status in the area under management is available, eliminating the need for daily inspections;

2. After a guardrail is hit, the status of the guardrail at the time and location can be immediately known (such as falling, breaking apart, slightly moving, etc.);

3. Remote dispatching: For locations far away, remote dispatching can be achieved to shorten maintenance time;

4. Remote consultation: For installation and maintenance sites, remote responses can be provided to achieve easy installation and maintenance.

For leadership and management

1. Through the background, the status of guardrails in all jurisdictions can be controlled in real time to achieve unified management;

2. Clearly know the receipt and delivery of guardrails, and the inventory is clear at a glance;

3. After the guardrail is hit, you can immediately know the immediate status of the guardrail at what time and place (such as: falling, breaking, slightly moving, etc.), and selectively assign the order to the corresponding maintenance unit;

4. A large amount of data analysis can produce many targeted suggestions;

5. Supervise the response speed and maintenance quality of front-line maintenance personnel;

6. Become a beautiful landscape of the smart city.

Real-time monitoring: Intelligent sensor equipment monitors the status of guardrails 24 hours a day * 365 days a year.

Automatic alarm: When the guardrail tilts, moves or falls, it will immediately send an alarm to the system.

Cloud platform control: After the platform receives the alarm, it will simultaneously notify the command center, guardrail maintenance center and traffic police in the jurisdiction in the form of phone calls and text messages.

Alarm cancellation: After the accident is handled, the system provides manual/automatic alarm cancellation functions. If the problem is not resolved within the specified time, you can call or send a text message to notify higher-level management again.


Superior performance and stable quality: The company has been developing and producing electronic products for many years and has passed ISO-9001 system certification.

Low power consumption and maintenance-free equipment: With low power consumption design, the equipment is maintenance-free within 3-5 years.

Adjustable sensitivity: According to different usage scenarios of customers, the sensitivity of the equipment can be adjusted to identify the impact intensity.

Convenient equipment installation and simple system implementation: "Fool-style" installation process, basically zero configuration, and rapid deployment and launch.

Independent research and development: Strong research and development capabilities, can be customized according to customer needs.

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